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5 reasons why you should drink a gallon of water everyday


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As schools get ready to close for the summer, the Texas Rangers bring in the home runs, and the beautiful and bright weather settles in, families are beginning to imbibe themselves in the summer spirit. Though the summer fun is what we look forward to all year around, we must be cautious of one of the most immediate effects of the high temperatures: Dehydration. The preventive measure? Plenty of water, frequent showers, plenty of water, fresh fruits and vegetables and, of course, plenty of water. Clearly, water is your number one "medicine" against dehydration. Here are 4 more reasons why water should be your best friend this season:

1. Getting ready to hit the beach and show-off that body that you have been working hard for? What's the point if you don't have glowing skin. Drinking about a gallon of water consistently everyday will keep your body and skin hydrated and make your skin soft resulting in a glow. Sure, there are always those brand name lotions that can bring a wonderful glow to your skin, but nothing beats a natural source. Dry skin was never in...

2. Summertime means indulging in burgers (as evident by the lines at the In-and-Out restaurants recently brought to the DFW area) and other greasy yet satisfying foods. Water will help regulate and maintain your digestive system by helping to break down the food so that you can enjoy more of your favorite treats. Next time, go ahead and substitute that large coke with a bottle of water instead. Your body will thank you.
3. In addition to your digestive system, your excretory system will also benefit from a gallon of water everyday. Water is your saviour when your are faced with constipation. Water makes up nearly 65-70% of our body. During the summer, we are prone to losing more water because of the summer heat. Replenishing ourselves with water will help keep our intestines lubricated and make the flow of food through our body easier preventing constipation.

4. Water can maintain your body temperature. The heat of the sun won't be able to give you headaches or hot flashes or exhaustion because the gallon of water that you drink will cool your body down and keep you feeling refreshed.

With Texas' distinctive and hot summer rolling in after the recent marathon of showers and thunderstorms, DFW residents are going to have to face the heat of this season. So keep your body healthy, cool and happy by drinking lots of water this season!

Daniels, Marie M. "Healthy Benefits of Drinking 8 Glasses of Water a Day, Page 2 of 2." Associated Content from Yahoo! - Associatedcontent.com. Web. 17 May 2011. <http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1687823/healthy_benefits_of_dri....

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