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Why Juice, Why Fast

"Unless you are already eating three-quarters of your diet raw, we suggest you eat more raw foods.  We know that on most days, if you're like the average American, you don't come close to getting even two bowls of raw food.  One recent study revealed that most Americans eat no more than one to three salads a week.  So here's the crucial question:  How are you going to make every meal at least one-half to three-quarters raw food?  Sit down and plan out a day.  Plan out a week.  Can you manage this high raw-food regimen every meal of every day?  If you'r like the nutrition patients of one of this book's authors, Cherie Calbom, it will seem impossible.  So, we'll say to you what Cherie says to them:  You've got to get a juicer you'll  use, and you've got to use it every day.  This is the only way we know that busy people can consume all the fresh fruits and vegetables they need to achieve optimal health." JUICING FOR LIFE

  • Eliminates Infection
  • Eliminates Constipation
  • Improves Digestion
  • Creates More Energy
  • Creates Healthy Eyes
  • Creates Healthy Nails
  • Creates Healthy Hair
  • Gets rid of free radicles
  • Maintains Healthy Arteries
  • Antipersperant
  • Anti-cogulant
  • Antioxidant
  • Detoxification for the Liver
  • Keep Muscles Toned
  • Combat Arthritis
  • Combat High Cholesterol
  • Combat High Blood Pressure
  • Combat Cancer
  • Combat Wrinkles
  • Combat Obesity
  • Combat Depression
  • Combat Free Radicals
  • Get more nutritients into the body fast
  • Decreases or Eliminates Inflamation
  • Cleanse Lymphatic System
  • Cleanses Blood
  • Less Body Oder
  • Better Breath
  • Natural Cures have been attained
  • Regulates Blood Pressure
  • Lowers Cholesterol
  • Good for cleansing