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The use of the enema as a medical standby has fallen into disuse. This is a shame because it still has many good uses among which are; it lowers fever, it can help cure constipation, it can aid the liver and many others.

There are many persons that enjoy a good enema and there are others that fear it and yet others that abhor it. It is merely the injection of fluid into the rectum. In other words it is the opposite end of the alimentary canal taking in fluid. There are many people that believe you should clean out the lower end of the alimentary canal weekly.

I beleive that the decision is very personal and should be up to you and your physician. There are many ways this can be done and an enema doesn't have to hurt to work. If an enema is given by one who knows what they are doing it will not hurt.

An enema may be taken alone or it may be given. If taking it by yourself try to lay down and have complete control over the flow, always take it slowly. The temperature of the fluid should never be hot or cold but pleasingly warm. You should allow yourself time to gently take it if you are able. Always put down a plastic mat and a towel for leakage. If it is being given always remember to take your time, if you have to lower the bag and allow fluid to flow backwards to releive the pressure and if there is air present have the person taking the enema hold the tube closed as close to the rectum as possible and work the air out before beginning again. This will usually releive a lot of cramping.

Using a bulb on a person should not be a bad experience. You should squeeze it very slowly and if cramping starts allow them to go to the toilet and expel all that they can before starting anew. This will make it much less upsetting and a less troubling experience.

Always remember that you should never use anything in the fluid that is not doctor recommended and never use alcohol because it is directly absobed into the bloodstream and can kill you.

Instructions for use of the Enema Bag
1. Sterilize the Enema Set thoroughly with bleach (check with your physician for how long and what type of bleach to use). Rinse thoroughly to remove bleach. Never use your enema bag on another person, their bacteria and yours may not be compatible remember you are at the opposite end from a kiss.

2. Fix the tube with enema bag by inserting bottom nozzle of enema bag in one end of tube.

3. Close the clamp on the tube. Fill the bag with the appropriate solution at the appropriate temperature. (I feel 101 degrees Fahrenheit is best). However, get your physician's approval concerning temperature, solution and quantity. Never use alcohol or drugs as their effect is greatly magnified and can cause death.

4. Open the clamp and run the solution through the tube to eliminate any air and close clamp immediately after air is out. This should stop excess cramping.

5. Place the enema bag at a height to ensure a good flow (approximately one foot to eighteen inches above your bottom, check with your physician).

6. Lubricate the nozzle with a good water-based surgical lubricant. (You can obtain one from any drugstore under many brand names)

7. Lay down on either side, on your belly, or your back if lying down. Or, sit on the toilet, however the sitting position is more difficult for most people. You must have your physician's approval to take an enema, this is medical procedure.

8. Insert the nozzle into the anus and release the clamp so that the solution flows through it. If necessary lower the bag below you to release gas that is stored inside yourself, this will make it flow better with less cramping. If the nozzle becomes clogged close the clamp and squeeze the tube then proceed with the enema.

9. Take out the nozzle when the enema is over and go to the toilet. Hold the solution for only as long as your physician allows. Allow your self plenty of time for all of the solution to release.

10. Clean the enema set thoroughly with soap and water. Then hang up the bag with the hose hanging straight to dry out completely. Use the bleach in step one as often as the physician instructs you to.

I am including some enema recipes for your perusal. They are not mine and I do not recommend them. If you choose to try them, you should first get your Physician's approval. You will notice they recommend different heights and other variations, check with your physician before trying as the pressure may be too great for you.

Lactobacillis Acidophilus Enema

2 Tbl. yogurt or 4 - 5 caps dry acidophilus or 1/8 tsp. powdered acidophilus
2 quarts water

Clinical Indications:
Crohn's disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Ulcerative colitis

Do not use yogurt if dairy allergy.


Fill enema bag.
Hook about 4 feet above floor (on towel rack).
Knee-chest position with chest against floor and rectum higher than head
Insert nozzle tip into rectum, using lubricant (olive oil) if needed.
Empty water into rectum, and hold inside rectum as much as possible.
Massage abdomen in counter-clockwise direction When bag is empty or no more fluid can be held, remove tip.
Lie on each side for 5 minutes, while massaging abdomen.
Discard contents of rectum into toilet.
Repeat until bag is empty.

Vinegar Enema

2 Tbl. white vinegar
2 quarts warm water


Fill enema bag.
Hook about 4 feet above floor (on towel rack).
Knee-chest position with chest against floor and rectum higher than head.
Insert nozzle tip into rectum, using lubricant (olive oil) if needed.
Empty water into rectum, and hold inside rectum as much as possible.
Massage abdomen in counter-clockwise direction.
When bag is empty or no more fluid can be held, remove tip.
Lie on each side for 5 minutes, while massaging abdomen>
Discard contents of rectum into toilet.
Repeat until bag is empty.

Wheat Grass Enema

1-2 oz. fresh wheat grass juice
2 quarts water
Can substitute green juice or chlorophyll for wheat grass


Fill enema bag.
Hook about 4 feet above floor (on towel rack).
Knee-chest position with chest against floor and rectum higher than head.
Insert nozzle tip into rectum, using lubricant (olive oil) if needed.
Empty water into rectum, and hold inside rectum as much as possible.
Massage abdomen in counter-clockwise direction.
When bag is empty or no more fluid can be held, remove tip.
Lie on each side for 5 minutes, while massaging abdomen.
Discard contents of rectum into toilet.
Repeat until bag is empty.

Mae West Coffee Enema


To the coffee enema, add:

1 Tbl. sea salt
1 Tbl. baking soda
Add enough water to coffee enema to make 2 quarts


Fill enema bag.
Hook about 4 feet above floor (on towel rack).
Knee-chest position with chest against floor and rectum higher than head.
Insert nozzle tip into rectum, using lubricant (olive oil) if needed.
Empty water into rectum, and hold inside rectum as much as possible.
Massage abdomen in counter-clockwise direction.
When bag is empty or no more fluid can be held, remove tip.
Lie on each side for 5 minutes, while massaging abdomen.
Discard contents of rectum into toilet.
Repeat until bag is empty.

Salt and Soda Enema

1 Tbl. sea salt
1 Tbl. baking soda
2 quarts water


Fill enema bag.
Hook about 4 feet above floor (on towel rack).
Knee-chest position with chest against floor and rectum higher than head.
Insert nozzle tip into rectum, using lubricant (olive oil) if needed.
Empty water into rectum, and hold inside rectum as much as possible>
Massage abdomen in counter-clockwise direction.
When bag is empty or no more fluid can be held, remove tip.
Lie on each side for 5 minutes, while massaging abdomen.
Discard contents of rectum into toilet.
Repeat until bag is empty.

Garlic-Epsom Salt Enema


3 cloves of chopped garlic in 2 quarts of water
Simmer for 5 minutes
Add 2 Tbl. Epsom salt

When cool, pour into bag
Add extra water to fill bag and correct temperature
Use warm, not hot water

Very purging
Use no more than twice during a fast

Fill enema bag.
Hook about 4 feet above floor (on towel rack).
Knee-chest position with chest against floor and rectum higher than head.
Insert nozzle tip into rectum, using lubricant (olive oil) if needed.
Empty water into rectum, and hold inside rectum as much as possible.
Massage abdomen in counter-clockwise direction>
When bag is empty or no more fluid can be held, remove tip.
Lie on each side for 5 minutes, while massaging abdomen
Discard contents of rectum into toilet.
Repeat until bag is empty.

Coffee Enema - Simple

Regular ground coffee, not instant
4 Tbl. coffee to 2 quarts of hot water
Brew in coffee maker/pot
When cool, pour into bag

Clinical Indications:

Irritable bowel syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
Chronic constipation
Liver ailments
Past or present drug abuse


Fill enema bag.
Hook about 4 feet above floor (on towel rack).
Knee-chest position with chest against floor and rectum higher than head.
Insert nozzle tip into rectum, using lubricant (olive oil) if needed.
Empty water into rectum, and hold inside rectum as much as possible.
Massage abdomen in counter-clockwise direction.
When bag is empty or no more fluid can be held, remove tip.
Lie on each side for 5 minutes, while massaging abdomen.
Discard contents of rectum into toilet.
Repeat until bag is empty.


Barium Enema or Lower Gastrointestinal examination

This type of enema is used in clinics and hospitals during an X-ray examination of the large intestine. This test helps to diagnose diseases and other health problems related to the large intestine. The barium solution makes the intestine visible on an x-ray picture, letting you know whether your intestine is in a good or bad condition.

Coffee Enema

This type of enema helps in detoxification of the liver. The caffeine in coffee is directly absorbed into the system and enters the liver to detoxify it from the toxins. It causes the liver to produce more bile which is later flushed out from the small intestine. One should use regular ground coffee and not the instant coffee to make the enema solution.

Yoghurt Enema

Home made yoghurt is very good as it has live bacteria which helps in cleansing. Anyone suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, colon cancer, hemorrhoids and many more problems can use this enema.

Lemon Juice Enema

It is very useful in cleansing your colon from the feces by using 1/3 cup of lemon juice per quart. In comparison to other enemas, it may cause further cramping. So, if you are ready to face the music, go ahead and take this lemon juice enema treatment.

Garlic Epsom Salt Enema

For this you will need 3 cloves of chopped garlic in 2 quarts of water. Bring it to boil and later simmer it for 5 minutes and add 2 tbsp of Epsom salt. When warm use it as your enema solution.

Epsom Salt Enema

This type of enema is very useful for the colon. The Epsom salt present in the water increases the amount of water absorbed by the intestine and provides a laxative effect. This has been highly recommended as a cleanser.

Salt Water Enema

The presence of salt in the enema solution reduces the transfer of water into and out of the colon. This prevents accumulation of water in kidneys and bladder therefore cutting down on your trips to the bathroom during this enema treatment.

Milk Enema

This can be made by using 1 1/2 quart of warm water with 16 oz. of warm milk and 1 tbsp olive oil. To maintain a proper temperature you can heat the milk in a microwave. Pour the warm milk, olive oil and warm water in the enema bag. To make a milk and honey recipe you can add 1 tbsp of honey.

Salt and Soda Enema

To make this solution you would need 1 tbsp sea salt, 1 tbsp baking soda and 2 quarts of water. This works greatly to clear away the toxins present in your colon.

Glycerin and Mineral Oil Enema

This cleansing agent requires 1 1/2 quart of warm water, 2 tbsp of salt, 2 tbsp of mineral oil and 2 tbsp of glycerin. This solution does wonders to your colon by cleansing it. The salt water maintains the absorption to a minimum and the oil and glycerin are useful for cleaning.

Vinegar Enema

You can use 2 tbsp white vinegar with 2 quarts of warm water. Similarly you can have wheat grass enema and mineral oil enema.


Coconut Oil Liver Cleanse

Gallbladder & Liver Remedy

  • Warm 3 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil
  • Quarter glass apple juice
  • Half a lemon
  • Clove of garlic
  • Similar piece of fresh ginger
Zap all the ingredients in a blender, pour and drink.   It is delicious!"
Drink every day one glass of this for several weeks, if you are suffering from: Gallbladder attacks, allergies, indigestion, abdominal pain, arm pain, back pain, constipation, bursitis, or any chronic health problem.
Avoid or replace ingredients you may be unable to tolerate, like garlic.  Lemon can be replaced with orange, grapefruit or lime.

Liver and Gallbladder Flush
by Flint Flintoft © 2006
Revised 2013

The Liver Flush - One of the Best Things You Can Do for Your Body
The liver is the largest organ in our body and perhaps the hardest working, responsible for many functions, including the cleansing of toxins. Many health problems that appear throughout our body can stem from a toxic liver, forming small bile stones that eventually make their way into the gallbladder. These stones are composed mainly of crystallized cholesterol. Removal of the gallbladder is one of the most common surgical operation in most hospitals, and yet this simple age-old recipe can remove stones overnight and restore your health in many, many areas.
Liver and Gallbladder Anatomy
Gallstones were once associated with "older" people but younger people today are also developing gallstones due to poor diet and stressful lifestyles. People in all age groups have benefited from this cleanse with astounding results.
Common Gallstone Symptoms
A weak liver and congested gallbladder can result in many symptoms including:
• depleted immune system
• increase in allergies
• poor digestion and constipation
• endless fatigue and exhaustion
• front right side pain below the rib cage
• poor skin condition
• back pain under the right shoulder blade
• emotional outbursts
• weakened eyesight
• depression
• weak alcohol tolerance
• increased desire for sugar
• tendency to put on weight
• debilitating stress on other organs
Removing Gallstones from the Body
Several good websites listed below explain the medical detail regarding cholesterol and gallstone formation. They also include many variations of the same cleansing recipe by Dr. Hulda Clarke. Please check here for background.
The purpose of this page is to provide a simple, safe and effective recipe to cleanse stones,with flexibility for lighter body types.
This recipe has been adapted from several sources after many practical trials. The liquid measures are flexible as a smaller person may require less, a larger person more. The Epsom salt required has been reduced to 1/3 of the original measure. The first time you do this cleanse you'll likely follow the recipe like a pharmaceutical chemist due to the unfamiliar ingredients, but after your first or second flush you'll find you can adjust the ingredients intuitively to suit your body type.
To your health!

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Isn't this painful? Where do the stones exit?
A: This cleanse is painless, not to be confused with kidney stones. The gallstones will be coaxed into the small intestine and eliminated through bowel movements.

Pre-Cleanse -- An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Start 3 days before your flush to reduce fat and meat intake and include plenty of apples and apple juice. Drink 1 to 2 liters of high quality apple juice each day before the cleanse. Mixing in a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar each day is also very beneficial. Eat raw apples when you get hungry.
Your liver loves apples! The malic acid in the juice helps to open the bile ducts that run through your liver and begins to soften and release the stones.
The final day before the flush, reduce your fat intake to as close to zero as possible.
Example Schedule
Wednesday, Thursday -- Light diet including salads and plenty of apples and apple juice.
Friday -- Reduce fat intake to zero. No oils, no dressings, no meat, nothing with fat in it. Continue light diet including plenty of apples and apple juice.
Saturday Morning -- Big breakfast to get you through the next 24 hours.
Saturday afternoon after 2 pm -- Don't eat anything -- it's time to fast. Let your digestive system rest completely.
Saturday Evening -- Olive Oil and Lemon Cocktail
Sunday -- Don't plan to go ANYWHERE. You may feel weak and will be busy cleansing.
Sunday afternoon -- Break your fast with juice and fruit, light soup and steamed vegetables. You can eat regularly Sunday evening.

The Liver And Gallbladder Flush
DAY ONE - Morning of the Flush (Saturday example above)
Eat a substantial breakfast to get you through the next 24 hours. You may not feel hungry during the fast but you will need energy. Fruits, vegetables, miso soup, bread and rice are all OK. Eat no fat, oils, butter or mayonnaise at all.
2:00 pm - Stop All Food
Stop eating all food. No snacking at all. Let your digestive system empty and rest completely. Water and herbal teas are recommended through the afternoon. Mint tea and Japanese hojicha are both excellent. A little apple juice, fresh lemonade (with honey) is OK if kept to a MINIMUM. Drink plenty of water so that you are well hydrated (the Epsom salts will dehydrate you.)
8:00 pm - 1st Epsom Salts
Mix 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of Epsom salt into 200 ml (1 cup) of high quality apple juice. Stir thoroughly and drink back quickly. (You can drink this through a straw if it helps.) Follow this with a cup of plain water.
10:00 pm - 2nd Epsom Salts
Drink again the same as 8:00 pm -- Epsom salt and apple juice, and a cup of water.
12:00 Midnight - Drink Olive Oil
Be totally ready for bed around midnight. Put on your sleepwear and be ready to lie down after drinking the olive oil.
Preparing the Olive Oil
and Citrus Juice
Small - if you weigh less than 50 kg (110 lbs)
80 to 100 ml - organic extra-virgin olive oil
80 to 120 ml - freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice (1/2 cup)
Regular - if you weigh more than 50 kg (110 lbs)
120 ml - organic extra-virgin olive oil
120 to 140 ml - freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice (1/2 cup or more)
  • Replace grapefruit juice with lemon juice if you prefer the classic original taste.
  • The quantity of citrus juice is not so critical. It is a cleanser and also helps you swallow the oil.
  • Organic oil and citrus are always best for cleansing. If they are not obtainable in your area, choose the best quality available.
Note: You can replace Olive Oil with other cold pressed oil like: sunflower oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, almond oil, haselnut oil, cashew oil, peanut oil, grape seed oil, sesame seeds oil, hemp oil, flax seeds oil, or other natural plant oil.
Shake the oil and citrus juice together in a jar until frothy. Take a deep breath. Drink the mixture "briskly" or take sips over 5 to 10 minutes. Sipping this "salad dressing" through a straw is the easiest for many people. You may feel a little nauseous, which is natural. Breathe deeply!
If you are using lemon juice, it may be easier to sip each liquid separately, using the lemon juice as a chaser for the oil, as the two tend to form a gel when mixed which may be more challenging to swallow. Grapefruit juice doesn't usually gel in this way.
Brush your teeth well and head for bed. Don't clean up the kitchen.
It is important that you lie down immediately after taking the oil in order to release the most stones. Lie on your RIGHT side with your knees tucked if you can (fetal position). Stay still for at least 20 minutes before you change positions. You will likely hear a lot of gurgling "down there" which is a good sign that the oil is at work. Of course you can change positions during the night. Go to sleep and stay in bed as long as possible.
DAY TWO - Next morning
7 am (approx.) - 3rd Epsom Salts
Take a 3rd Epsom salt drink, a little stronger this time to get your bowels moving. Double the Epsom salt to 10 ml (2 teaspoons) in 200 ml of juice. Don't take this before 6:00 am. You can go back to bed.
You will have diarrhea sometime during the day after your flush. Do not plan on going anywhere. You can expect strong bowel movements until the early afternoon. The first bowel movement may be regular and the second may be dark green diarrhea. Each flush is a little different.
10 am - 4th Epsom Salts (optional)
Depending how you feel (if you have strong diarrhea then DON'T take the 4th dose of Epsom salts and juice). If your bowels aren't moving, you can take a 4th Epsom salt drink. (5 to 15 ml, depending on how your bowels are.)
*After following this regimen the first time you can adjust the amounts of Epsom salts to suit you. Everyone is different - some people like to take 15 ml (1 tbsp) of Epsom in each glass, but others only need half that amount. In my experience, you don't need all that Epsom salt.
12 Noon and later
You will likely feel weak during your cleanse. Just rest and do what you need to do to help your cleansing. Don't eat anything until you've had at least two to three bowel movements and you start to feel naturally hungry again. You may drink a little juice 15 minutes after you take your last Epsom salts in the morning. Then move to fruits or soup for a light lunch and solid food later in the day as your body begins to normalize. Continue with a light vegetarian diet for 24 hours after the cleanse to allow your body time to adjust and harmonize. You're done!

Epsom Salt or Traditional Style?
The traditional cleansing recipe, including one given by Edgar Cayce uses only apples, lemon juice and olive oil.
Adding Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulphate MgSO4) is a fast-acting modern method that quickly and effectively opens the liver's bile ducts. However for some people the Epsom salt may be too harsh on their digestion and smaller amounts may be advised or none at all. If your digestion is sensitive, start with a light amount of the salt or try doing the cleanse without it and use only apple juice and prune juice (see below).
The effect of Epsom Salt on the body is to dilate smooth muscle. This means it will dilate the bile duct, making it almost impossible for the stones to get stuck. Epsom Salt will also dilate the smooth muscles lining the digestive tract. This will cause a purging of all the things in the digestive tract. This helps to quickly eliminate the contents of the gallbladder when they are dumped. The Epsom Salt is the cause of the diarrhea. It will only last for a portion of the day. The diarrhea is a good thing as there will be toxins, stones and who knows what emptying into the digestive tract. The sooner these are out of the body, the better.
Prune Juice or Prune Extract
If you cannot obtain Epsom Salt from your pharmacy or decide not to use it, you can omit it entirely. Follow exactly the same regimen, but take plenty of apple juice for three to five days prior to your cleanse. Good results will still be evident.
You can also replace some of the laxative benefits of Epsom Salt with simple prune juice or prune extract. Drink a small cup of prune juice or take a dose of prune extract at the same times shown for Epsom salts above in the schedule. Take it once again in the morning when you awaken.
How many stones are normal?
You may not see any stones until your second or third bowel movement. Some may not appear until the next day. You may not notice the stones immediately, but the lighter non-calcified soft stones usually float. They can be large, blue green and "fuzzy" or they can be like small pebbles and anywhere from blue-green to tan in color. They are generally the consistency of semi-hard rubber. Heavier calcified stones usually sink.
If your gallbladder is full, you may only pass a few stones during the first flush. During a second flush you may see many stones right away and a third flush could bring out smaller stones and "grit". Everyone is different. Some people expel their largest stones immediately, some don't see large stones until their third or fourth flush.
Note: There is a lively ongoing debate on several forums regarding the actual composition of stones that are purged through this cleanse. The bottom line though, is how you feel and how your health improves after this cleansing protocol.
The collection option
A plastic colander can be placed in the toilet before use, then flushed with water from a bucket or pitcher to check the stones. Collect them into a jar to see their volume and size or freeze them to remind you of your cleanse. You may hesitate at this collection step, but it's easier to gage your progress during early cleanses by checking your stones.

Gallstones in colander

What happens during a cleanse?
Eating no oils or fats for 24 hours prior to the cleanse gives the gallbladder a chance to fill up with bile salts. Not eating after 2:00 pm will ensure that there is very little food in the digestive tract that still needs to be digested and absorbed. Having a full stomach when you do the cleanse can cause nausea. If the food has moved into the large intestine and has been completely digested and assimilated, you will have no problems at all.
Olive Oil and Citrus Juice
Oil and citrus juice stimulates the emptying of the full gallbladder. It will strongly contract as a reaction to all that oil, and because the bile duct is dilated, the stones and most of the contents of the gallbladder will empty into the small intestine. The lemon/grapefruit juice is alkalinizing and helps to cleanse and neutralize toxins that will be purged from the gallbladder. Lying on your right side puts a little more pressure on the gallbladder so you get a little stronger emptying of the contents. Lying down is especially important to get good results.

Actual size of some larger stones

How often should I do a cleanse?
The Liver and Gall Bladder Flush is a painless, relatively easy preventative health care treatment for yourself that can extend your life through prevention of disease. From the first time, you will feel renewed energy and vitality. Five to six cleanses may be required to release most of your stones. You will not like the taste of oil for some time after each cleanse! Some people cleanse every month at the start. Your body will let you know when you are ready for the next session. As you continue, smaller stones will filter down from the liver. Don't stop until the stones become like sand. Continue with this flush at least once a year and enjoy your good health!

CAUTION: Pregnant women and children should not fast.
CAUTION: Consult your health care provider before going on this fast especially if you have diabetes, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, or epilepsy; if you are under 18 or underweight; or if you are on medication.
CAUTION: If you suffer from chronic constipation or other bowel problems, you are advised to do bowel cleansing before this Liver and Gallbladder flush.
CAUTION: Be sure you are able to tolerate Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) before you attempt this cleanse. Colon Cleansing Kit - Blessed Herbs Colon Cleansing - Curezone.com

Medical Disclaimer:
This alternative self-help treatment is not intended to diagnose any medical conditions or to replace the advice and treatment of your regular physician. Consult your doctor if pain or symptoms persist.

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